Do You Have a Fire Escape Plan?

Whether you live, work, or play in a hi-rise building, you should have a fire escape plan in place. Fires in high-rise buildings are some of the most complicated, due to the significant distance between the occupants from the exit, fire department accessibility.

Do you have a plan in the event of a fire in your building?

Make a Plan:

  • Sit down with your family or co-workers to discuss the evacuation plan for your building, and make sure you have your own plan to safely exit your apartment or office. Draw a map of your space and mark off all possible egress points, use this in conjunction with your building’s evacuation plan.

  • Make sure you have at least two ways out of each room, if possible. Ensure that all doors and windows open with ease.

  • Know the locations of all available fire escapes from your floor in case the nearest one is blocked by fire or smoke.

  • Leave the elevator out of your plan! A fire in your building can easily (and quickly) disrupt the electricity, rendering the elevators useless in the event of an emergency. 

  • Have an outside meeting place, like a mailbox, tree or other nearby building that is a safe distance away.

  • Practice your fire escape plan at least twice a year, during the day and at night!

  • Consider meeting with your landlord or building manager to learn about the fire safety features and plans in your building. 


The History of the Fire Escape


Is My Fire Escape Safe?